Shamanic Sisterhood Circle

Our sister- and brotherhood circles offer the time-honored knowledge, practices, and ceremonies of the Twisted Hairs that guide, support, and empower women to meet the challenges of our modern lifestyles and culture.

24 August, 2024
12 October, 2024

Time: 11:00 – 20:30
Location: Evje Gård, Prestfoss

Nicola Samad is one of our RLW Lodge leaders; she is a gifted ceremonialist, teacher, mentor, and guide who continually expands her knowledge and experience through her own Gateway process as a Twisted Hair. Her ability to create a welcoming, supportive, and inspiring group matrix comes from a strong heart space, with clear awareness and a genuine understanding of how lasting change and transformation occur.

The 5 Sacred Elements of Creation
Water, Air, Earth, Fire, and the Void are the foundation of life on our planet, together they create the balance and stability that makes all Life possible. To flourish we must also have a stable elemental foundation in our lives
to build upon, and so this series of day-long gatherings focus on experiential connection and alignment with the Sacred Elements.